IT WASN’T THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM; RATHER IT WAS THE SANTA IN THE ROOM. Amongst the festivities during Excel Constructors’ annual Holiday Party was the celebration of Amy Wickley’s 30th anniversary with Excel. Who better to present Amy with her appreciation gift than Santa himself. But was it Santa? Unbeknownst to Amy, her son, Mike, was the man behind last-minute, quirky Santa beard (cloth towels tied to a covid mask; one would think buying a “complete” Santa outfit would include the beard, but that is a story for another post).
Mike is a well-known face at Excel. Some would attest that he grew up in the Excel office during his mom’s late work nights and many Excel family events over the years. Many of us remember Mike’s wrestling tournaments, football games at Ottawa University, all sharing Amy’s proud mom moments.
Saturday night, the anticipation of wondering if she would recognize the man behind the beard kept our attention. Amy’s expression when Santa was revealed confirmed it was a complete surprise. Thanks, Mike, for helping us celebrate Amy’s valued contribution, exceptional service, and the countless laughs she has shared with us over these years. We are grateful she has a few more left in her.